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Final Project p1.

So its come to that time of year....the final wasn't hard for me to think of an idea as I already had a good ish one in mind. I currently work for Paperchase, and as long as I have worked here the ratio to boys and girls products is second to none. Sooo...I thought I could design my own boy style range to suit the company. I started thinking of ways I could incorporate space, as a theme, into a design range.

I used inks and laser cut letters as stamps to come up with some catchy slogans. But with a little more research into the company and a look at some old POS from boys ranges, I realised that the style wasn't as kid friendly as I was after.

Then I decided to get doodling and came up with these...

Naming them made it more childlike and I thought it would add to the characters. Then transferring them onto photoshop to bring them to digital life was fun, it mean't I got to be more creative and try out different colours and patterns

After scanning the document in I realised that it was not the best of quality so I had to use the clipping tools to reinforce the shapes and make them stand out better.

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